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《剑灵(Blade Soul)》【心得】修罗王BGM的歌词

更新时间:1605521226   |   来源:巴哈姆特

s501799770 (须田恭也) #1 2019-07-24 21:17:01
不知有没有人分享过,最近找到打修罗王时BGM的歌词,去查了一下这作曲家也帮(潜龙谍影崛起 再复仇)以及(鬼武者 梦之曙光)等多款游戏的作曲,可搭配影片服用

I am the devil

I am the master
I eat the souls of the dead
And when I'm finished here
The rivers will run red

I am the devil
And I'll drag you to hell
No need to fight me
My hammer strikes a toll bell

I am the devil

The strong shall
devour the weak
So just lie down,
it's death that you seek
I see you gazing into the fire
I'll give you the pain,
the pain you so desire
The pain you so desire

张松介: 08-17 00:19



Wonderful recommendation


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