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win77king77 (冰人) #1 2019-08-27 23:37:49
v1.24 Patch Notes
New Heroes
1. Added the new Hypogean hero: Zolrath - Voidbinder
2. Added the new Lightbearer hero: Gwyneth - The Fair Maiden
New Additions and Optimizations
1. Added the new adventure "The Depths of Time" to the Voyage of Wonders, which will be available from August 30th 00:00 UTC.
2. Added 50 new floors to the King's Tower and reduced the difficulty of some of the already existing floors.
3. Players can now climb up to 300 floors within each respective tower within the Towers of Esperia feature, while the difficulty of some already existing floors has also been reduced.
4. Added the option to use diamonds to open more slots within the Resonating Crystal, while also adjusting the amount of diamonds needed to remove the slot cooldown time. The amount of diamonds required to remove cooldown is now directly linked to the amount of time left on the timer.
5. Added Thoran - The Fallen King and Raine - Death's Denier to the Labyrinth Store.
6. Adjusted the formations of multiple stages within the campaign, resulting in fewer Legendary and Ascended duplicate heroes appearing in the same formation.
7. Adjusted the difficulty of multiple campaign stages in order to make the increase in stage difficulty smoother.
8. Added a new special effect to factional gear which is displayed when any factional gear is adorned by a hero of the corresponding faction.
Hero Adjustments and Changes
1. Completely reworked the animations for Grezhul - The Corrupted
2. Fixed a problem causing Belinda's "Brilliance" ability to incorrectly incorporate a haste reduction effect at level 1 and 2.
3. Fixed a problem affecting Belinda's signature item ability "Gift of Heaven" which would sometimes cause Brutus to instantly die without allowing him to use his "Last Gasp" ability to be activated beforehand.
4. Fixed an issue causing Rosaline to move about the battlefield without initiating any attacks.
5. Fixed an issue that would cause an enemy to still be able to attack even when they had already been confined by Fawkes' "Confine" ability.
6. Fixed an incorrect number value which appeared in multiple language descriptions of Lucius' " Heaven's Protection" ability. The ability's actual values have not been changed in any way and remain the same as before.
7. Optimized the description of Antandra's "Fury Strike" ability. The ability's actual effects have not been changed in any way and remain the same as before.


1.添加了新的恶魔英雄:Zolrath  -  Voidbinder
2.添加了新的耀光英雄:Gwyneth  -  The Fair Maiden

1.在奇蹟之旅中添加了新的冒险“时间深度”,将于8月30日00:00 UTC开始。
4.添加了使用钻石在 共鸣水晶 中打开更多槽的选项,同时还调整了移除槽冷却时间所需的钻石数量。消除冷却所需的钻石数量现在与计时器剩余的时间量直接相关。

1.完全重写 格瑞泽尔勒 的动画 - 腐败
2.修正了一个问题,导致 贝琳达 的“辉煌”能力错误地在1级和2级合併了急速减少效果
3.修正了影响 贝琳达 签名项目能力“天堂的礼物”的问题,这有时会导致 布鲁特斯 立即死亡而不允许他使用他的“不屈”能力预先激活。
4.修正了一个问题,导致 罗莎琳 在战场上移动而没有发起任何攻击。
5.修正了一个问题,即使他们已经被 弗克斯 的“限制”能力限制,也会导致敌人仍能够攻击。
6.修正了 卢修斯 “圣光护体”能力的多种语言描述中出现的错误数字值。该能力的实际值没有以任何方式改变,并保持与以前相同。
7.优化对 安丹德拉 的“宣告胜利”能力的描述。该能力的实际效果并未以任何方式改变,并保持与以前相同。
V1.24 Bǔdīng shuōmíng

看较旧的 15 则留言

JustForFun: 08-28 00:52 编辑

额 没事 找到了 是专武技能 请问有人有中文版名称吗

马立克: 08-28 01:40

[kill7474:UNE]我们现在玩的纪录 直接同步于公测台湾伺服器喔

UNE: 08-28 01:49

[links363da:马立克]我们说的是测试服啦XDD 测服先上国际板才会上

smart0eddie (JustForFun) #2
2019-08-28 00:10:35
※ 引述《win77king77 (冰人)》之铭言
> 在新视窗开启图片
> v1.24 Patch Notes
> New Heroes
> 1. Added the new Hypogean hero: Zolrath - Voidbinder
> 2. Added the new Lightbearer hero: Gwyneth - The Fair Maiden
> New Additions and Optimizations
> 1. Added the new adventure "The Depths of Time" to the Voyage of Wonders, which will be available from August 30th 00:00 UTC.
> 2. Added 50 new floors to the King's Tower and reduced the difficulty of some of the already existing floors.
> 3. Players can now climb up to 300 floors within each respective tower within the Towers of Esperia feature, while the difficulty of some already existing floors has also been reduced.
> 4. Added the option to use diamonds to open more slots within the Resonating Crystal, while also adjusting the amount of diamonds needed to remove the slot cooldown time. The amount of diamonds required to remove cooldown is now directly linked to the amount of time left on the timer.
> 5. Added Thoran - The Fallen King and Raine - Death's Denier to the Labyrinth Store.
> 6. Adjusted the formations of multiple stages within the campaign, resulting in fewer Legendary and Ascended duplicate heroes appearing in the same formation.
> 7. Adjusted the difficulty of multiple campaign stages in order to make the increase in stage difficulty smoother.
> 8. Added a new special effect to factional gear which is displayed when any factional gear is adorned by a hero of the corresponding faction.
> Hero Adjustments and Changes
> 1. Completely reworked the animations for Grezhul - The Corrupted
> 2. Fixed a problem causing Belinda's "Brilliance" ability to incorrectly incorporate a haste reduction effect at level 1 and 2.
> 3. Fixed a problem affecting Belinda's signature item ability "Gift of Heaven" which would sometimes cause Brutus to instantly die without allowing him to use his "Last Gasp" ability to be activated beforehand.
> 4. Fixed an issue causing Rosaline to move about the battlefield without initiating any attacks.
> 5. Fixed an issue that would cause an enemy to still be able to attack even when they had already been confined by Fawkes' "Confine" ability.
> 6. Fixed an incorrect number value which appeared in multiple language descriptions of Lucius' " Heaven's Protection" ability. The ability's actual values have not been changed in any way and remain the same as before.
> 7. Optimized the description of Antandra's "Fury Strike" ability. The ability's actual effects have not been changed in any way and remain the same as before.
> 1.24补丁说明

1.新的恶魔英雄:Zolrath  -  Voidbinder
2.新的耀光英雄:Gwyneth  -  The Fair Maiden

1.新的奇境探险“The Depths of Time”,将于8月30日00:00 UTC开始。

3.修正贝琳达专武技能“Gift of Heaven”的问题,这有时会导致布鲁特斯(狮子)立即死亡而不会发动“不屈”技能。

红茶Redtea: 08-28 05:45


kgb116 (抠央央) #3 2019-08-28 00:30:10

看较旧的 1 则留言

新人类: 08-28 01:22


比比: 08-28 09:25


来自欧洲的拒耕正妹: 08-28 11:38


kill7474 (UNE) #4 2019-08-28 01:16:19


Mirum0 (Mirum0) #5 2019-08-28 09:06:45
以后看不到女僕罗莎琳 原地拼命扫看不见的髒东西了
七月刚好结束 真是不可思议的巧合  XD

看较旧的 1 则留言

ラザラス: 08-28 09:45

我以为那是正设说 没想到是bug==

神隐少年: 08-28 09:54

其实留着也好 前期还在用扫帚的朴素时期。过百等就没在客气了整组餐具A过去 而且A完下一组已经拿在手上。

月银猫: 08-28 11:04

我的白金猫刺在竞技场被对面白金女僕掷得满头包 QQ

jack60411 (爆裂熊头YEE) #6 2019-08-28 09:50:08
所以这次奇境 我可以期待送狮子了吗?!
awei6225 (参零陆捌) #7 2019-08-28 10:04:05

光盾 女僕 乌龟 罗万 光法直接高你20~30级 完全打不死
月银猫: 08-28 11:06

迷宫队伍取自竞技场防守队,这可是玩家自己设计的拖时间小队 www

郭盖: 08-28 13:02



Wonderful recommendation


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