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更新时间:2021-02-27 19:44:09   |   编辑:气泡游戏网


pob: https://pastebin.com/R21Y4mcy
Budget: (very low) - 350c (500 with divergent pulverise)
Screenwide AoE in sand stance.
Double touch of god every two seconds (tawhoa chosen + fist of war) making your damage insane with good lightning rolls.
With lucky rolls of lightning damage + triple damage procs from the belt one shots uber elder or Sirus stages.
Build concept:
We use Doryani's prototype as a source of our damage and Doryani's touch as our main attack.
This armour makes enemy lightning resistance equal to yours.
In my setup we have -208% lightning resistance.
How don't we die?
We use avian twins talisman with 50% of lightning damage from hits taken as cold or fire and other appropriate modifiers (life, res (we need a lot of res to cover the fire and cold cap)), physical or lightning damage to attacks).
The other 50% of lightning damage from hits are mitigated by our armour. (doryani's prototype modifier) ~40k armour.

The only cons we have is lightning damage over time, which is rare, but we can somotimes be vanished by it. (shaper's beam, sirus storm, some delirium damage + Kosis bubble).
We can use also divine flesh as an alternative, but then we won't have Chainbreaker, which greatly imroves our damage.

How do we lower our lightning resistances?
Multiple thread of hopes, Maligaro's lens (perfect shield for this build).
Other ways of lowering: immortal flesh (but then we won't use arn's anguish, which is not okay), new maven boots Legacy of fury, Ventor's Gamble rings.
We utilise chieftain to get endurance charges and a new belt Arn's anguish to transform them to brutal charges to get a chance of dealing triple damage. (21% with 7 charges) -
PoB doesn't count them and doesn't know "triple damage" modifier, so on the belt in PoB I simulated it as 40% chance to deal double damage.



Wonderful recommendation


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