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《瓦尔海姆》【心得】ValheimPlus v0.9.6 完整设定档中文翻译

更新时间:1617349155   |   来源:巴哈姆特

lovesteraph (Love Seraph) #1
2021-03-24 01:05:47
题...这次档案有点不同 各位可用搜寻方式寻找自己要的内容

档案会不同主要是V+那边给我的是json档案格式 跟cfg内的有点不同

这次版本有修正一些功能 也有新增一些功能 再请各位自己发掘了

quot;ValheimPlus quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;ValheimPlus quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-list quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;关于Valheim Plus的内部设定. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要关闭本类功能请将true改成false. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;true quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;mainMenuLogo quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在主选单显示Valheim Plus的图案. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;true quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;AdvancedBuildingMode quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;进阶建筑模式 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-archway quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;进阶建筑模式有多种功能,可以使用快捷键提升建筑的呈现品质, https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/KeyCode.html lt;- keycodes清单. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enterAdvancedBuildingMode quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在建筑时,欲进入进阶建筑模式的快捷键. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;F1 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;exitAdvancedBuildingMode quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在建筑时,欲离开进阶建筑模式的快捷键. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;F3 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;copyObjectRotation quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在进阶建筑模式内複製目前的物件旋转角度. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;Keypad7 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;pasteObjectRotation quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在进阶建筑模式内固定目前的物件旋转角度. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;Keypad8 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;increaseScrollSpeed quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;增加物件旋转和移动的量,按住Shift键将增加10而不是1. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;KeypadPlus quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;decreaseScrollSpeed quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;减少物件旋转和移动的量,按住Shift键将减少10而不是1. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;KeypadMinus quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;AdvancedEditingMode quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;进阶编辑模式 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-archway quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;进阶编辑模式有多种功能,可以使用快捷键提升建筑的呈现品质, https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/KeyCode.html lt;- keycodes清单. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enterAdvancedEditingMode quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在建筑时,欲进入进阶编辑模式快捷键 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;Numpad0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;resetAdvancedEditingMode quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;重置物件到原本位置及角度. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;F7 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;abortAndExitAdvancedEditingMode quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;离开进阶编辑模式且恢复物件. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;F8 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;confirmPlacementOfAdvancedEditingMode quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;确认物件位置且固定. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;KeypadEnter quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;copyObjectRotation quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在进阶编辑模式内複製目前的物件旋转角度. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;Keypad7 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;pasteObjectRotation quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在进阶编辑模式内固定目前的物件旋转角度. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;Keypad8 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;increaseScrollSpeed quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;增加物件旋转和移动的量,按住Shift键将增加10而不是1. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;KeypadPlus quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;decreaseScrollSpeed quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;减少物件旋转和移动的量,按住Shift键将减少10而不是1. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;KeypadMinus quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Beehive quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;蜂巢 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-hexagon quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏内蜂巢的功能与数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;honeyProductionSpeed quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改蜂蜜生成时间,预设为1200秒(游戏内的一天). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;1200 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;maximumHoneyPerBeehive quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改蜂巢最大蜂蜜储存数量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;4 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoDeposit quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;自动储存蜂蜜到邻近储藏箱. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoDepositRange quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;侦测自动储存的範围(最大範围为50). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;10 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;showDuration quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;显示蜂蜜生成的剩余时间. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Building quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;建筑 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-archway quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;更改游戏中建筑物件的功能及其放置 . quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;noInvalidPlacementRestriction quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;删除一些无效的放置讯息,最明显的影响是将物件放到一些东西的里面. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;noMysticalForcesPreventPlacementRestriction quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;消除了『神秘力量』的建筑防护,并允许使用锤子 那些区域中的建筑物体. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;noWeatherDamage quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;移除气候(下雨)对物件的影响. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;maximumPlacementDistance quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;最大建筑距离(预设值:5). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;5 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;pieceComfortRadius quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;为了使舒适感达到一定水平,必须以该半径(米)为单位(预设值:10). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;10 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;alwaysDropResources quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;当摧毁一个建筑物件时,将此设置为true将确保它总是掉落全部资源. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;alwaysDropExcludedResources quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;当摧毁一个建筑物件时,将此设置为true将确保它总是掉落全部资源,包含原本不会返还的材料(开发者标记不会掉落的物品) quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enableAreaRepair quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;将此设置为true将可以用锤子在半径範围内进行修复. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;areaRepairRadius quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;设置区域修复半径。设定为7.5意味着修复半径为7.5米,启用此功能必须设定enableAreaRepair=true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;7.5 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;CraftFromChest quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;使用储藏箱製作 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-archway quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;允许使用附近储藏箱的内容物进行製作. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;checkFromWorkbench quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;如果在工作台区域中,以该工作台作为扫描周边储藏箱的基準点. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;F10 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;range quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;侦测储藏箱的範围(最大範围为50). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;20 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;lookupInterval quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;每个附近的储藏箱扫描的时间间隔(以秒为单位)(最大为50). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;3 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Camera quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;视野 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-video quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中的视野设定. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;cameraMaximumZoomDistance quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;角色的最大视野距离. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;6 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;cameraBoatMaximumZoomDistance quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;角色在船上的最大视野距离. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;6 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;cameraFOV quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;游戏内视野 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;65 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Experience quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;经验值 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-flask quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中获取经验的多寡. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;swords quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;剑的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;knives quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;刀的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;clubs quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;棒子的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;polearms quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;长棍的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;spears quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;矛的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;blocking quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;格档的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;axes quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;斧头的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;bows quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;弓的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;fireMagic quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;火魔法的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;frostMagic quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;冰霜魔法的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;unarmed quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;空手的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;pickaxes quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;挖掘的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;woodCutting quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;伐木的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;jump quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;跳跃的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;sneak quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;潜行的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;run quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;跑步的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;swim quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;游泳的经验修正值比率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Fermenter quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;发酵桶 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-vial quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;更改游戏中发酵桶的功能及数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;fermenterDuration quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改发酵所需时间,预设为2400秒(游戏内的两天). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;2400 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;fermenterItemsProduced quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改发酵完毕产生的物品总数量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;6 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;showDuration quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;显示多久时间后会发酵完成. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;FireSource quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;火源 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-fire quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;更改游戏中火源的功能及数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;torches quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;如果启用本类功能,在补充燃料后所有火源都会保持在燃料全满的状况 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;fires quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;如果启用本项功能,只有火炬会保持在燃料全满的情况. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoFuel quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在附近的储藏箱里寻找燃料. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;ignorePrivateAreaCheck quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;将true更改为false可以在寻找储藏箱时启用私有区域检查. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;true quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoRange quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在附近的储藏箱里寻找燃料自动补充的範围. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: 10,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Food quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;食物 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-steak quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中食物的功能及数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;foodDurationMultiplier quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;增加或减少食物持续时间的百分比,设定为50将导致食物消化速度慢50%. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;disableFoodDegradation quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;如果设置为true,这个选项可以防止食物的效果随着消化时间而减低,换句话说,它在完全消化前会保持最大的效果. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Smelter quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;冶炼炉 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-fireplace quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中冶炼炉的功能及数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;maximumOre quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;可放入的最大矿石数量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;10 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;maximumCoal quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;可放入的最大木炭数量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;20 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;coalUsedPerProduct quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;冶炼每个金属需要的木炭数量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;2 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;productionSpeed quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;矿石冶炼时间(秒). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;30 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoDeposit quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;自动储存矿物到邻近储藏箱. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoFuel quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;自动在附近的储藏箱里寻找燃料. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;ignorePrivateAreaCheck quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;将true更改为false可以在寻找储藏箱时启用私有区域检查. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;true quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoRange quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;侦测自动储存的範围,(最大範围为50). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;10 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Furnace quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;高炉 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fad fa-fireplace quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;更改游戏中高炉的功能及数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;maximumOre quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;可放入的最大矿石数量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;10 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;maximumCoal quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;可放入的最大木炭数量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;20 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;coalUsedPerProduct quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;熔製单个金属锭所使用的煤炭总量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;2 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;productionSpeed quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;熔製单个金属的时间(秒). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;30 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoDeposit quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;自动储存产物到邻近储藏箱. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoFuel quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;自动在附近的储藏箱里寻找燃料. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;ignorePrivateAreaCheck quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;将true更改为false可以在寻找储藏箱时启用私有区域检查. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;true quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoRange quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;侦测自动储存的範围,(最大範围为50). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;10 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Game quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;游戏 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa- pad quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏内的行为及其数值,包括难度和传送门. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot; DifficultyDamageScale quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;游戏在怪物附近的每个人的伤害倍数. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0.04 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot; DifficultyHealthScale quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;游戏在怪物附近的每个人的生命倍数. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0.04 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;extraPlayerCountNearby quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;增加基础难度计算的角色数量 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;setFixedPlayerCountTo quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;设定附近玩家数量为固定值加上extraPlayerCountNearby. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;difficultyScaleRange quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;难度计算採计範围. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;200 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;disablePortals quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;如果开启这功能,所有传送门将会被禁用. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;KeyCodes quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;快速键 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-keyboard quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;增加游戏中的动作快捷键. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;rollForwards quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;向前 . quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;F9 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;rollBackwards quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;向后 . quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;F10 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Items quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;物品 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-icons quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中物品的功能及数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;noTeleportPrevention quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;启用这功能将可以允许玩家携带禁止传送的物品(例如矿石等等)使用传送门. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;baseItemWeightReduction quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;增加或减少重量百分比,设定为-50将使每个物品重量减少50%. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;itemStackMultiplier quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;增加所有物品可堆叠的大小百分比,设定为50会将通常的物品堆叠上限(100)设置为150. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;droppedItemOnGroundDurationInSeconds quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;设定丢弃的物品多久时间后会消失,(预设值为3600秒). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;3600 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;HUD quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot; quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-desktop quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中的介面及功能. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;showRequiredItems quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在建筑模式下和製作时显示所需的项目数量和库存中的物品数量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;experienceGainedNotifications quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在左上角显示所有技能经验的小通知. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;displayStaminaValue quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在耐力条下方数字显示目前和最大耐力. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;removeDamageFlash quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;设置为true可以在玩家受到伤害时移除画面上的红色受伤提示. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Gathering quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;採集 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-axe quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改透过採集所获得的材料数量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;dropChance quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改掉落物的机率.这只影响非固定掉落物的机率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;wood quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;掉落木材的比率(%),50将使掉落的材料从10增加到15,-50将会使掉落的材料数量从10减少到5. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;stone quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;掉落石头的比率(%),50将使掉落的材料从10增加到15,-50将会使掉落的材料数量从10减少到5. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;fineWood quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;掉落优质木材的比率(%),50将使掉落的材料从10增加到15,-50将会使掉落的材料数量从10减少到5. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;coreWood quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;掉落树芯木材的比率(%),50将使掉落的材料从10增加到15,-50将会使掉落的材料数量从10减少到5. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;elderBark quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;掉落古树皮的比率(%),50将使掉落的材料从10增加到15,-50将会使掉落的材料数量从10减少到5. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;ironScrap quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;掉落铁废料的比率(%),50将使掉落的材料从10增加到15,-50将会使掉落的材料数量从10减少到5. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;tinOre quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;掉落锡矿石的比率(%),50将使掉落的材料从10增加到15,-50将会使掉落的材料数量从10减少到5. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;copperOre quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;掉落铜矿石的比率(%),50将使掉落的材料从10增加到15,-50将会使掉落的材料数量从10减少到5. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;silverOre quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;掉落银矿石的比率(%),50将使掉落的材料从10增加到15,-50将会使掉落的材料数量从10减少到5. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;Chitin quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;掉落甲壳素的比率(%),50将使掉落的材料从10增加到15,-50将会使掉落的材料数量从10减少到5. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Durability quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;耐久度 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-tasks-alt quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中某些物品的耐久值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;axes quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改斧头的耐久度比率(%).50将增加耐久从100提升到150.-50将降低耐久从100降到50. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;pickaxes quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改镐的耐久度比率(%).50将增加耐久从100提升到150.-50将降低耐久从100降到50. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;hammer quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改工匠槌的耐久度比率(%).50将增加耐久从100提升到150.-50将降低耐久从100降到50. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;cultivator quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改犁耙的耐久度比率(%).50将增加耐久从100提升到150.-50将降低耐久从100降到50. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;hoe quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改锄头的耐久度比率(%).50将增加耐久从100提升到150.-50将降低耐久从100降到50. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;weapons quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改武器的耐久度比率(%).50将增加耐久从100提升到150.-50将降低耐久从100降到50. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;armor quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改防具的耐久度比率(%).50将增加耐久从100提升到150.-50将降低耐久从100降到50. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;bows quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改弓的耐久度比率(%).50将增加耐久从100提升到150.-50将降低耐久从100降到50. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;shields quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改盾的耐久度比率(%).50将增加耐久从100提升到150.-50将降低耐久从100降到50. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;torch quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改火炬的耐久度比率(%).50将增加耐久从100提升到150.-50将降低耐久从100降到50. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Armor quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;护甲 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-helmet-battle quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中某些物品的护甲值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;helmets quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改头盔的护甲比率(%);50会使护甲从14增加到21,-50将会使护甲从14降低到7. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;chests quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改胸甲的护甲比率(%);50会使护甲从14增加到21,-50将会使护甲从14降低到7. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;legs quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改护腿的护甲比率(%);50会使护甲从14增加到21,-50将会使护甲从14降低到7. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;capes quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改披风的护甲比率(%);50会使护甲从14增加到21,-50将会使护甲从14降低到7. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Kiln quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;木炭窑 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-igloo quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中木炭窑的功能及数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;maximumWood quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;最大可放入的木材数量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;25 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;productionSpeed quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;烧製每个木炭的时间(秒). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;30 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoDeposit quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;自动储存木炭到邻近储藏箱. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoFuel quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;在附近的储存箱寻找燃料. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;ignorePrivateAreaCheck quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;将true更改为false可以在寻找储藏箱时启用私有区域检查. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;true quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoRange quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;侦测自动储存的範围(最大範围为50). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;10 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Map quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;地图 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fas fa-map quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏内的地图功能,并允许玩家之间共享地图进度. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;shareMapProgression quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;启用这个功能,你将获得与伺服器上 玩家相同的探索进度;这也将允许伺服器在连线时同步所有人的探索进度. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;exploreRadius quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;玩家在移动时探索的地图半径. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;100 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;preventPlayerFromTurningOffPublicPosition quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;避免所有玩家关闭地图分享选项. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Player quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;玩家 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-male quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改大多数与游戏中角色相关的数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;baseMaximumWeight quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;基础角色负重(预设为300). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;300 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;baseMegingjordBuff quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;商人 的腰带的基础负重(预设为150). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;150 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;baseAutoPickUpRange quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;自动拾取物品的範围(预设为2). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;2 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;disableCameraShake quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;关闭镜头震动 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;disableCameraSbaseUnarmedDamagehake quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;Disable all types of camera shake quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;baseUnarmedDamage quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;基础徒手伤害乘以你的技能等级.当你的技能等级为10时.120点将造成最多12点的伤害. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;70 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;cropNotifier quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;当更改为true时,你将不允许在另一种作物的生长半径内放置一种作物. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;restSecondsPerComfortLevel quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;每个舒适等级对休息奖励的贡献是多少秒. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;60 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;deathPenaltyMultiplier quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot; 处罚比率(%),50将会增加50% 处罚,-100则是关闭 处罚. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoRepair quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;如果设置为true,此选项将在玩家与工作台互动时自动修复装备. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;guardianBuffDuration quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;Boss buff持续时间(秒). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;300 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;guardianBuffCooldown quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;Boss buff冷却时间(秒). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;1200 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;disableGuardianBuffAnimation quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;停用技能动画. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;autoEquipShield quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;如果设置为true,则在装备单手武器时,系统会自动为您的武器装备最佳的盾牌.(由最高格档值决定). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot; quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;伺服器 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fad fa-server quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;更改伺服器的功能并修改以前受 或不可更改的值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;maxPlayers quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改伺服器上的玩家数量上限. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;10 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;disable P word quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;删除对伺服器密码的要求. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enforceMod quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;这个设置增加了一个版本控制检查,以确保试图加入你的游戏或你试图加入的伺服器的人已经安装了ValheimPlus. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;true quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;serverSyncsConfig quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;更改伺服器是否会强制覆盖客户端的设定.只会影响伺服器. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;true quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;dataRate quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;伺服器和客户端每秒可以发送的数据总量(单位为kb). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;60 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Stamina quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;耐力 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa- quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中与角色相关的动作耐力消耗度. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;dodgeStaminaUsage quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;改变使用闪避跟 动的耐力消耗比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;en beredStaminaDrain quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;改变超重的耐力消耗比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;jumpStaminaDrain quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;改变跳跃的耐力消耗比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;runStaminaDrain quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;改变跑步的耐力消耗比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;sneakStaminaDrain quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;改变潜行的耐力消耗比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;staminaRegen quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;改变耐力每秒恢复的总数比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;staminaRegenDelay quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;改变耐力恢复的延迟时间. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;swimStaminaDrain quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;改变游泳的耐力消耗比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;StaminaUsage quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;耐力消耗 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-tools quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中工具和武器相关动作的耐力消耗度. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;axes quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用斧头的体力消耗量比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;blocking quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用格档的体力消耗量比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;bows quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用弓的体力消耗量比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;clubs quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用体力消耗量的比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;knives quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用短刀的体力消耗量比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;pickaxes quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用镐的体力消耗量的比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;polearms quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用长柄武器的体力消耗量比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;spears quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用矛的武器的体力消耗量比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;swords quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用剑的武器的体力消耗量比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;unarmed quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用空手的体力消耗量比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;hammer quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用工匠锤的体力消耗量比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;hoe quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用锄头的体力消耗量比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;cultivator quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;修改使用犁耙的体力消耗量比率(%). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;StructuralIntegrity quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;结构完整性 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fas fa-construction quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改结构完整性系统的功能及其数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;disableStructuralIntegrity quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;禁用整个结构完整性系统,并允许将其放置在空气中,但不能防止对建筑物损坏或伤害. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;disableDamageToPlayerStructures quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;不能对所有玩家建造的建筑造成任何伤害,但不能防止结构完整性的损坏. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;disableDamageToPlayerBoats quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;不能对所有玩家建造的船造成任何伤害. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;wood quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;木材结构完整性损失比率(%),100将禁用的结构完整性,并允许放置在空气中. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;stone quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;石头结构完整性损失比率(%),100将禁用的结构完整性,并允许放置在空气中. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;iron quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;金属结构完整性损失比率(%),100将禁用的结构完整性,并允许放置在空气中. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;hardwood quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;硬木结构完整性损失比率(%),100将禁用的结构完整性,并允许放置在空气中. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Time quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;时间 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-clock-o quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;此功能仍在开发中,除非另行通知,否则现在将被禁用 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;totalDayTimeInSeconds quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;完成一个昼夜循环所需的总时间(秒). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;1800 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;nightTimeSpeedMultiplier quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;将夜间时间流逝的速度增加%,50将导致夜晚时间减少50%,预设值:0. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Ward quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;结界石 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fad fa-lock quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改结界石的数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;wardRange quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;保护範围(米),预设值20. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;20 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Workbench quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;工作檯 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fad fa-hammer quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏内工作檯的功能及数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;workbenchRange quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;设置工作台半径(单位为米). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;20 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;workbenchAttachmentRange quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;可设置工作台的附属物件(如铁砧)半径. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;5 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;disableRoofCheck quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;关闭使用工作台需有屋顶和不能过于暴露的要求. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Wagon quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;推车 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-wagon-covered quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中用于运输物品的推车的数值和功能. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;wagonBaseM quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;更改推车的基本重量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;20 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;wagonExtraM FromItems quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;此数值会改变推车因乘载物品的而有更多或更少的重量,50将使重量额外增加50%以上,-100将删除全部多余的重量. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Inventory quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;储存 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-inventory quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;修改游戏中的库存数值,大小和功能. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;playerInventoryRows quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;玩家身上物品栏的行数(横),超过6行会增加一个 动条. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;4 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;woodChestColumns quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;木箱储存列数(直). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;5 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;woodChestRows quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;木箱储存行数(横),超过4行会增加一个 动条. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;2 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;personalChestColumns quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;个人箱储存列数(直). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;3 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;personalChestRows quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;个人箱储存行数(横). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;2 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;ironChestColumns quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;铁箱已有8列(直),但你可以降低这个数值. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;8 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;ironChestRows quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;铁箱储存行数(横),超过4行会增加一个 动条. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;3 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;cartInventoryColumns quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;推车储存列数(直). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;8 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;cartInventoryRows quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;推车储存行数(横),超过4行会增加一个 动条. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;2 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;karveInventoryRows quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;维京船储存行数(横),超过4行会增加一个 动条. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;2 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;karveInventoryColumns quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;维京船储存列数(直). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;8 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;longboatInventoryColumns quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;维京长船储存列数(直). quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;8 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;longboatInventoryRows quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;维京长船储存行数(横),超过4行会增加一个 动条. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;3 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;int quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;inventoryFillTopToBottom quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;预设情况下,工具和武器从上到下进入物品栏, 材料从下到上进入.设置为true,使所有的项目从上到下进入物品栏. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;FreePlacementRotation quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;自由放置旋转 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fa fa-archway quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;基本标準建筑模式的附加功能,使您可以在所有轴上旋转所有物件. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true., if you set this to false the mode will not be accesible quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;rotateY quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;可以将放置标记沿Y轴旋转1度,并保有附着到邻近物件上的能力 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;LeftAlt quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;rotateX quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;可以将放置标记沿X轴旋转1度,并保有附着到邻近物件上的能力 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;C quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;rotateZ quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;可以将放置标记沿Z轴旋转1度,并保有附着到邻近物件上的能力 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;V quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;copyRotationParallel quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;複製面前的目标物件旋转标记. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;F quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;copyRotationPerpendicular quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;设置旋转垂直于面前的物件. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;G quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;Shields quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;盾牌 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fad fa-shield quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;Change the block values of the in- shields. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;blockRating quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;增加或减少所有盾牌的格挡值,单位为%.-50将减少50%的格档率,50将增加50%的格档率. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;modifier quot;: quot;true quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;FirstPerson quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;第一人称视角 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fal fa-video quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;允许在很少画面损失的情况下切换到Valheim的第一人称模式. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;hotkey quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;启用第一人称视角快速键. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;F10 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultFOV quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;预设视野角度. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;65.0 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;float quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;raiseFOVHotkey quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;提高视野快速键. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;PageUp quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;lowerFOVHotkey quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;降低视野快速键. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;PageDown quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;
quot;GridAlignment quot; :
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;网格对齐 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;icon quot;: quot;fad fa-border-right quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;description_website quot;: quot;按下相应的快捷键时,新建筑物将与网格对齐. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; quot;entries quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;enabled quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;要启用本类功能请将false改成true. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;false quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;bool quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;align quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;启用网格对齐快速键. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;LeftAlt quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;alignToggle quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;切换网格对齐的快速键. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;F7 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;changeDefaultAlignment quot;:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;description quot;: quot;更改预设对齐方向的键. quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultValue quot;: quot;F6 quot;,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;defaultType quot;: quot;KeyCode quot;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ,
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;

看较旧的 2 则留言

最深的男人 - 小 : 03-24 23:35

[lovesteraph:Love Seraph]有的 因为单机用字定义可以正常 拉去server cfg就跳回预设...

最深的男人 - 小 : 03-24 23:40

[lovesteraph:Love Seraph]我srv是用gcp的 不确定有没有关係 但 数值调整是正常的


Wonderful recommendation


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