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外国长文痛骂[《原神》] 抽卡系统系统已经快进到开骂了

更新时间:2020-10-18 12:53:03   |   编辑:气泡游戏网

外国长文痛骂[《原神》] 抽卡系统系统已经快进到开骂了攻略



So I originally had little to no intention of making a thread like this, instead wishing to stay silent and watch as the storm inevitably blows over. However, a few recent events have convinced me to act.

Just so you all have some insight, I’ve played MMOs and gacha games for basically all my life since I could get on the internet (over 10 years now), and have experienced things from Nexon’s horrible monetization models from Maplestory to Vindictus, to the casino rate odds of Black Desert lategame, to being actually respected as a consumer in Azur Lane. Guess which one I’ve spent the most money on?

While I love this game, and fully wish to be able to support MiHoYo for their wonderful work, the fact of the matter is that the gacha rates in this game are beyond predatory, and this monetization model they’re currently running beyond exploitive, and as a result, I find myself unable to even give a cent of my hard earned money to support these dubious business practices.

Yes, you can enjoy the game without premium characters. Yes, the exploration can be completed with everything they give you for free. You can sink tens of hours into this game without paying a dime. But you can’t have the full player experience, to sate your curiousity with new characters or just have fun with the characters whose design you love, without either shilling out untold and unreasonable amounts of money, waiting almost a year for a ‘pity pull,’ or spending countless hours rerolling until you get a starting roll that you enjoy, which isn’t playing the game.

When a new 5 star character comes out, are players going to make new accounts and reroll to try to get them too, abandoning all their previous progress? At this point they’ll be more obligated to participate in this predatory gacha system, by which point so you know, the pull rate get the specific character you desire off banner right now is about 0.06% (estimated), while banner has about a 0.3% chance without pity. If you want an RPG horror story, just try to calculate how many rolls on average it will take to get a specific 5 star character that you want, and then convert the cost into whatever currency you use. Then realize you need 7 copies of said 5 star character to truly experience them at their full potential. Thinking about these costs unironically makes me shiver.

But in this capitalist society with which we find ourselves, money speaks louder than words. This is why I come to you all with a proposition; I ask the community to please stop spending on this game until we, as consumers, are better treated and given the respect we deserve. Until the rates and the built in gacha system are improved upon, and we are seen as real people and not just a convenient source of income from which MiHoYo can trick into this terrible economic loop, I ask of you as a community to stop buying the ingame micro transactions and the various season passes, so that MiHoYo can get the message. Yes, whales will be whales and continue to spend huge, but even whales will run out of steam (and money), and a system that’s supported by a few whales is unsustainable in the long run. That’s not to say stop playing, but just stop spending. After all, this game can be enjoyed fully as F2P. Don’t be pressured to spend by big shot streamers and YouTube upstarts pouring thousands into this game.

In a separate post below, I will include useful links with information regarding gacha comparisons rates and in depth calculations. I ask that everyone also approach this thread respectfully, and keep the discussion that is to follow respectful as well.

Thank you for your time in reading my post, and I hope that it has been a constructive endeavour.
来自 @trisolaris_xeonacid 的翻译

就像你们所看到的那样,自从我能上网以来,我一直都在玩 MMO 和氪金抽卡游戏(超过10年了),从纳克森(Nexon)在冒险岛(MapleStory),洛奇英雄传(Vindictus)中可怕的抢钱模式,到黑色沙漠(Black Desert)中……(译者注:没说)的赌场概率,到在碧蓝航线(Azur Lane)中真正作为一个消费者被尊重,猜猜看,我在哪个游戏中投入的钱最多?



当出了一个新五星的时候,玩家显然不可能放弃原来的进度去刷初始转生;这个时候就到了毒池发威的时候了。现在,单抽从池子里抽出你想要的角色的概率是约 0.06%,并且每个池子都有 0.3% 的概率不吃保底(译者注:原文为 while banner has about a 0.3% chance without pity ,这里没看懂)。如果你想听一个恐怖故事,就算一算你抽出一个你想要的五星得花你多少钱,再考虑一下你要抽 7 个才能达到满命。想想这些我就感到战栗,认真的。



Yup, personally i think its fine to lock characters behind a paywall as long as the f2p options can clear content. As soon as that’s no longer viable, I’m out of here.
The problem with this game is that there is literally 0 replayability. Books and Mora are hard locked behind money and at endgame there is 10 minutes of daily gameplay. If both progression and characters are locked, well - that just feels really shitty.
Before we say “this is normal for gacha games” granblue fantasy and fire emblem heroes were never stingy with stamina.

I'm a gacha dolphin for 6 years. I'm used to being fucked over the ass after I spend money. But there eventually comes a point where the amount of money you need to spend becomes so absurd that it's not reasonable to spend. I was going to throw a few bucks to try and hit pity for ventis banner. I looked at the shop and I need to spend fucking 150 SGD just to get 80 rolls (FOR MY FIRST PURCHASED. Subsequent purchases only get me 40 rolls). Normally this isn't too absurd as you only need that few rolls to get who you want. But you need fucking 180 rolls to get the 5 star you want (90 if you're LUCKY). And don't give me that bullshit saying you can get the 5* before pity, 0.3% is about as bad as 0%. Don't kid yourself. You really need to fathom how low of a chance 0.3% is. If the 1.1 leaks miraculously become true, which I'm 90% sure is bullshit, I will actually throw my money every patch, because I know I can at least get something fucking worthwhile for my money. I swear the only reason people could possibly defend these rates are either they are mihoyo staff in disguise, or they are giant masochists
我是加沙海豚6年了。我花钱后常常会感受难受。但是最终会出现一个点,您需要花费的钱变得如此荒谬,以至于花费不合理。我打算花几块钱去尝试可怜的文氏标语。我看着商店,花了150新元才买了80卷(我第一次购买。随后的购买只让我40卷)。通常,这并不太荒谬,因为您只需要几卷即可找到想要的人。但是您需要他妈的180卷才能获得想要的5星(如果您很幸运,则得到90星)。而且不要胡说我可以在怜悯之前得到5 *,0.3%大约等于0%。不要开玩笑您确实需要了解0.3%的机会有多低。如果1.1泄漏奇迹般地变成了事实,我确定90%的确是胡说八道,我实际上会在每个补丁上投入我的钱,因为我知道我至少可以得到一些值得我花钱的东西。我发誓人们可能会捍卫这些利率的唯一原因是他们是变相的mihoyo员工,或是他们是巨大的受虐狂



就像你们所看到的那样,自从我能上网以来,我一直都在玩 MMO 和氪金抽卡游戏(超过10年了),从纳克森(Nexon)在冒险岛(MapleStory),洛奇英雄传(Vindictus)中可怕的抢钱模式,到黑色沙漠(Black Desert)中……(译者注:没说)的赌场概率,到在碧蓝航线(Azur Lane)中真正作为一个消费者被尊重,猜猜看,我在哪个游戏中投入的钱最多?



当出了一个新五星的时候,玩家显然不可能放弃原来的进度去刷初始转生;这个时候就到了毒池发威的时候了。现在,单抽常驻池抽出你想要的角色的概率是约 0.06%,而 up 池也仅有 0.3% 的概率(不考虑保底)。如果你想听一个恐怖故事,就算一算你抽出一个你想要的五星得花你多少钱,再考虑一下你要抽 7 个才能达到满命。想想这些我就感到战栗,认真的。







Wonderful recommendation


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