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《WG星际战甲(Warframe)》【情报】HOTFIX 14.0.9 中文翻译 (翻译完毕)

更新时间:1609420078   |   来源:巴哈姆特

darkidea (DkPoXeR) #1 2014-07-26 10:43:04


Additions 新增:

Added in settings for ‘Invite’ reception preferences. This setting allows you to choose from whom you receive game invites: All Players, Friends Only, or None.

Added more idle animations for Kubrow Puppies.
Added new animations for Silva & Aegis idles.
新增了在装备Silva & Aegis(剑盾)时的闲置动作。

双线範围为只限Dark Sector 的改动

Dark Sectors Conflict Changes DS公会战冲突的设定更变:

Added a 3 second spawn invulnerability to prevent players from camping in spawn points.

Added more visibility to nodes that are in conflict when navigating the Solar chart.

Increased knockdown recovery speed for all frames in PvP Dark Sector conflicts (and Conclaves).

To address general survivability (for Conclaves as well):
生存能力的调整 (只跟冲突有关):

Reduced incoming Health damage to 25% of current values.

Reduced incoming Shield damage to 50%  of current values.

Added further UI support for Node selection and Conflict history for Dark Sectors.

Pulled energy regeneration stations from levels.

Increased the drop rate for Health and Energy orbs.

Spread out spawn points on map.

Cores can no longer be damaged/targeted by Warframe abilities.

XP is no longer Radial and is shared Team wide.

When joining a session, your level will now automatically be the same as the lowest levelled teammate in your session.

Level cap is now 30 to be consistent with PvE.

Fixed data not being reset when a player disconnects, resulting in wrong level, xp, etc. for players that might take their place.

Fixed Blessing healing defense core and generator in Dark Sector conflicts.
在DS公会战冲突中,修正T 妈大招可以对核心及发电机进行回血。

Fixed player health/shield/energy values. They should now scale up with your level instead of constant as if level 30.
修正了玩家的血量/謢盾/能量 的数值。现在这些数值会根据你的等级进行提升,而不是常驻在30等的数值。

Changed the layout of the middle portion of Dark Sectors and moved the hack objectives to not be within sight of the defenders immediately after spawn.

Added new sound and tactile feedback for Console context actions (Arming/Disarming).

Changes to conflict logic: Clans can no longer play against their own rails (whether their Alliance or Clan).
改变冲突逻辑:公会不能再反抗他们自己的星际航道 (不论是他们的联盟或者公会本身)。

UI Changes & Fixes 介面的更动和修正:

Players can now initiate the ESC menu prior to selecting the Prologue.
现在玩家能预先打开ESC 选单以选择序幕。

The navigation console will now move backwards when focusing on Planets so as to avoid potential clipping issues.

We now only focus on the news element when we interact with it.

We increased the legibility of the Drop Down Menu background to make it more legible.

Added consistency in material outlines to the Genetic Foundry, Auras, and the Drop Down Menu.

Changed the amount of screen real estate used when receiving game invites as well as changed the method to accept game invites. You will now be notified via the bottom-right notification bumper when you are invited, and you can choose to Accept/Decline all invites through the Diagetic ESC menu. With this change, we also increased notification awareness and made it so that the squad panel should be visible and showing the particles with callout if you have an invite pending.
更改了当你受到邀请时的表达方式,以及接受邀请的方式。当你被邀请时,现在将会通过右下角的讯息视窗来通知,而你可以于ESC 选单选择接受或拒绝任何的邀请。在这个更改之下,我们同时增加了通知的意识,而令队伍面板更容易看清楚,以及如果你受到邀请,介面会显示一些粒子特效。

We now remove the name of invite target from the panel after an invite has been sent to reduce spamming.

Made Stances/Auras more legible in upgrades screen.

Fixed ‘Invite’ button not showing up in the Dojo.
修正 "邀请" 按钮没有出现在道场的问题。

Fixed Extractor icon not being removed when collecting the Extractor.

Fixed items displayed in the grid format flickering.

Fixed not being able to ‘teleport’ directly out of the Navigation screen to another menu (Foundry, etc).

Fixed Matchmaking dropdown not functioning correctly when cancelling out of Solar Chart.

Fixed a permanent hang when attempting to invite friends by pressing the “+” in the top left of the Squad info segment.
修正当你由左上角的"+" 按钮邀请好友后,邀请介面会永久卡住的问题。

Fixed players seeing the pause menu outline when a host migration occurred.

Fixed overlapping UI when initiating the ESC menu.
修正当打开ESC 选单时会出现介面重叠的问题。

Fixed UI not prompting an 'Abort Mission' option when forfeiting after dying in a public mission.
修正在线上游戏的任务中,玩家死亡过以后,介面没有出现 "中止任务" 的选项的问题。

Fixed text overlapping in the Foundry.

Fixed the appearance submenu in Arsenal having an extra top "Physique" title and bottom line in the middle of its elements when selecting certain melee weapons that have both a skin slot and an attachments submenu.
修正当选择某些有 "皮肤插槽" 及 "附件次选单" 的近战武器时,在仓库的次选单外形上方有一个额外的 "体质" 标题和底线。

Warframe Colour Customization Changes Warframe 颜色客製化的更变:

We have recently discovered our Warframe Colour Customization choices are not gamma corrected when applied.  We have rectified this issue, but you will see the difference in Steve’s Developer Workshop post here:
Login to receive a FREE desaturated colour picker - it’ll be available for you to get for the next 2 weeks just by logging in!
我们最近发现了我们的Warframe 颜色客製化选项的颜色对比度在进行套用时并不正确。我们已经纠正了这个问题,而你会从 这里 看到他们的变化。从现在至2星期之前,玩家登入将会收到免费的新色盘。一个名叫Gamma 的新色盘,是"经典"色盘被修改以前的颜色。

Kubrow Changes & Fixes 库狛的更改及修正:

You may notice dramatic colour changes of your Kubrow - this is related to the above “Warframe Colour Customization Changes”.

Kubrows are now immune to Orokin laser traps.
库狛现在对Orokin 神殿的雷射陷阱免疫。

Fixed an awkward floating animation that would occur when a bleeding out Kubrow was affected by 'Link Health'.
修正当库狛受到 "Link Health" 这张MOD 影响时,在倒地流血的时候会出现尴尬的浮动动画。

Tweaked the range of 'Howl' to prevent enemies behind walls getting affected.
调整了"嚎叫" 的範围以防止在墙后的敌人也受到影响。

Fixed Kubrow finishers dealing double damage. They will now do the same damage as their normal melee damage. The next step here is getting the Kubrow Damage values displaying in the UI, and we’ll get this up and running as soon as we can. Sorry for the disconnect.

Fixed Kubrow size/appearance discrepancies on Client in sessions.
修正于一个游戏进程中,非主机玩家的库狛的 大小/外观 的差异。

Fixed 'Scavenge' causing permanent freezing when multiple Kubrow's tried to interact with the same locker. If there are multiple Kubrows in a mission, no more than one can target the same locker.
修正当一个以上的库狛尝试对同一个储物柜进行 "清除" 时,会导致永久的画面定格。现在当有一只以上的库狛出现在同一个任务中,一个储物柜只会受到一只库狛的锁定。

Fixed typo in the ‘Howl’ Kubrow mod.
修正在 "Howl" 这张库狛的MOD 的错字。

Changes 更变:

Shifted the Cholistan Dark Sector node by one.
对Cholistan 这个DS 节点移动了1节。(在Europa 欧罗巴的)

Further finessed matchmaking logic to ensure your past presences are cleared before hosting or advertising matchmaking sessions.

Tweaked wording to add clarity to Stasis message for Kubrow.

Added number of remaining interactions to Kubrow menu.

Sentinels and Kubrows are no longer able to spawn in Mastery Rank tests. These tests are for the Tenno to prove their worth, not the pets!
守卫跟库狛将不会出现在升段考试中。这些测试是给Tenno 用来证明他们的价值,而不是宠物们的!

Tweaked the sound of Frost's Snowglobe.
调整了冰人的技能 - 冰罩的声音。

Tweaked the 'Revive' sound.
调整了 "复活" 的声音。

Corrected Tenno Default Colour Picker to use proper Gamma colour values.

Fixes 修正:

Fixed Arcane Helmets being untradable.
修正Arcane 头盔不能交易的问题。快去交易吧www

Fixed a common game crash/hang that would occur when adjusting matchmaking settings, or simply ‘quitting’ the game.

Fixed crash that would occur when attempting to leave a squad.

Fixed crashes caused by low-level low-integrity Kubrows instantly entering bleedout.

Fixed crash that would occur when trying to remove the Parrot skin from your Carrier.
修正当从你的猪笼草移除Parrot 皮肤时所产生的游戏崩溃。

Fixed crash that could occur when spawning into Dark Sectors mission.

Fixed a game freeze that would occur when attempting to purchase an item to place in the Gear slot from the Arsenal menu.

Fixed the “Hidden Messages” quest giving the wrong inbox message on the third leg of the quest. This fix includes a less ‘chatty’ Ordis for that leg of the quest.
修正了 "Hidden Messages" 任务的第3节任务中所送出错误inbox 信息。这修正包括了小类 "聊天成份居多" 的Ordis 对话。

Fixed an issue with multiple Sentinel Codex entries not working correctly.

Fixed Kubrow collar mission not being completable.

Fixed issues with Clan name, Alliance name, and Message of the day appearing as exponents of the number 1.
修正了公会名称,联盟名称,以及每日信息显示为"1" 的指数的问题。

Fixed an issue with the Mirage’s Prism visuals persisting in the game world if the ability was casted repeatedly (spammed).
修正了当连续使用新战甲Mirage 的大招Prism 时,特效不会消失的问题。

Fixed an issue with Friendly NPCs, including Kubrows, being affected by the Sleight of Hand blind effect.
修正友方NPC,包括库狛,会受到新战甲Mirage 的招式 Sleight of Hand 的盲目效果影响的问题。

Fixed issue where the Dual Cestra project can be started before you ever start the Fieldron research. Every other item in the energy lab has prior requirements except for Dual Cestras.
修正Dual Cestra 这把副武器的计划在你开始了Fieldron 公会材料研究前就能启动的问题。在Energy Lab C族研究所的所有道具都有这样的前置要求,除了Dual Cestra。

Fixed an issue with the HUD becoming unresponsive when joining Interception missions.
修正当加入拦截任务时,HUD 抬头显示器变得没有反应的问题。

Fixed a progression stopper in the Europa Region resulting from a Conclave node being located between two PVE nodes.
修正星球Europa 欧罗巴的进程死路 - PVP 节点位于两个一般关卡节点之间的问题。

Fixed some awkward wording in a string about the Sunika Kubrow.
修正有关Sunika 库狛在字串中尴尬用词的问题。

Fixed a common Furax stance card appears in the combos list for Valkyr while Hysteria is active.
修正了一张一般的Furax 拳套姿势卡在女武神在大招状态中出现在连技表中的问题。

Fixed the Rai-jin and Do-jin having identical descriptions.
修正Rai-jin 及Do-jin 有相同的描述的问题。

Fixed an issue with Search and Join options overlapping if the Accept button is hit repeatedly while searching for a match.

Fixed the Carrier sentinel being seemingly 1 hit killed by enemy Kubrows and Volatile Infested.
修正猪笼草守卫貌似可以被敌对库狛及Volatile 感染者秒杀的问题。

Partially fixed random disconnects at end of mission, efforts ongoing!

Fixed issue where players can join or be invited to a Solo Lobby if a player enters and exits a mission and then sets their Matchmaking to Solo.

Fixed issue where the Accept/Decline Invite panel overlapped other screens, even when it’s supposed to be invisible.
修正接受/拒绝 的邀请介面会重叠了其他画面的问题,哪怕当它是应该被看到的时候。

Fixed several localization issues.

Fixed being unable to create a squad outside of the navigation chart.

Fixed water in the Forest Extraction tile being misaligned.

Fixed Clients getting stuck when trying to get back to the main menu from a session.

Fixed players being sent into the Harvester mission as Excalibur with default weapons.
修正当玩家使用神剑及基本武器时会被传送进Harvester 小白的任务中的问题。

Fixed several Corpus Crewmen  not having ability reaction anims (e.g. levitate for Bastille).
修正几个C族Crewmen 没有能力进行反射动作的问题 (例如对工程师的弹跳板没有反应)。

Fixed alarm panels not resetting alarm sound and effects triggered by gamemode events.

Fixed multi-sized elements in the Store having buttons that don't cover the elements entire height.

Fixed Valkyr’s Hysteria not functioning properly if a player picked up a data mass while Hysteria is active.

Fixed weapon charge amount not resetting when the weapon is ready to refire/charge.

Fixed missing VO lines in the Rescue Darvo Tutorial Mission.  
修正一些在拯救Darvo 教学任务中失去了的VO 对话。

Fixed being unable to close the Booster Pack popup on ‘how many days’ you wanted your Booster for.
修正当你想购买Booster (金钱/经验加倍)时,"多少日" 的选择项不能关闭的问题。

Fixed issue with missing Rare 10 cores seen here: https://forums.warfr...n-core-is-gone/ On login, your 'broken' cores will be converted to a proper functioning core that will stack.

Fixed Sentinels being un-colourable and the 'Default' option not functioning.


看较旧的 34 则留言

蝎子: 07-26 21:23


蝎子: 07-26 21:24


晓萤幻晶: 07-27 16:59

好像不能再虐狗了 www

cvsb01522 () #2 2014-07-26 11:36:46
阿阴: 07-26 11:46


cjejvm (血红奔流) #3
2014-07-26 15:46:24

我一直以为小狗的终结攻击跟玩家一样是四倍伤害,现在改成跟普通攻击一样,那会不会隐身与护卫种会好用很多? 毕竟Sunika如果在攻击力上没有比其他种类更强,可能带的人就少很多了。(以后顶多抓抓VIP吧)
YT-ImbaLibraGaming: 07-26 15:47

这就不得而知了, 其实哪一种库狛也算是满全面的就是了, 也不一定要找出最强的库狛类型

有点奇怪的叔叔: 07-26 16:06

楼上不对 目前看来挖掘那种狗 比sunika更强 只能抓VIP的sunika的立场不知道丢到哪了

死神之王: 07-26 16:09


fat11330 (胖胖鸭Vol. 2.90) #4 2014-07-26 16:53:42
XP is no longer Radial and is shared Team wide.


看较旧的 4 则留言

YT-ImbaLibraGaming: 07-26 17:06

上面已经写了是DS 限定

胖胖鸭: 07-26 17:08

抱歉 这样还是要追着路人屁屁跑.....

セラ: 07-28 01:42



Wonderful recommendation


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